About Jenn

Hi, I’m Jenn, just a small town girl from Cuba, Illinois, living the dream on the air in Cincinnati.

Watch my TedX Talk here!

I’ve been doing this radio thing since I was a freshman in college at Eastern Illinois University. It’s never been boring, “normal” or predictable, and I’ve loved every minute of it. I did time in Champaign, Illinois, and Tampa, Florida, before moving here in 2002.


I’m a single mom of one, 22-year-old Jakob. He kicks my butt on a daily basis and is my greatest joy, my soulmate. He delights me continually as he learns and grows and makes his way through the world under the veil of autism. I never could have dreamed that one child could teach me so much about life and love and inspire me to ask some of life’s biggest questions then actually go out there and look for the answers. I’m so blessed to have him. He’s amazing.

Some people think I’m a bit of a nerd and I’m ok with that. I like (LOVE) Star Wars and New Kids on the Block. I dig all footwear, jewelry, sweaters, scarves and tattoos (I have 9, more on the way). I also like to change up my hair color as often as possible. And shop on Amazon. I read vampire romance novels, self-help books and everything I can about autism.


Someday I hope to finish the book I’ve been writing, vacation in Bora Bora and own a Chanel bag. Other than that, my life is pretty complete. My absolute favorite thing to do in my free time is to hang out at our new home on an organic farm, flit around my house looking at my books and crystals, and contemplate life, my purpose, and how I might just be able to make the world a better place for all of us.

I love being a part of the Jeff & Jenn Morning Show, and I’m so proud to be a part of this community. I couldn’t ask for a better job or greater group of people to share my life with. Love you, Cincinnati!!


Email Jenn at jenn@wkrq.com.


Jenn chats with author Liane Holliday

Liane Holliday, author of “Pretending to Be Normal,” will be at the GE Aviation Learning Center on March 10 from 6-9:30pm to talk about her book and what it’s like...

VIDEO: Meet Sam the Dancing Barista!

I wanted to share this beautiful story with all of you. Sam has autism and is a barista in Toronto. Thanks Ellen for sharing with the world! (-Jenn) If you...

Reel Abilities Film Festival

There’s something really cool coming to town and I’m very excited to be a part of it.  It’s the Cincinnati Reel Abilities Film Festival March 9-16, the largest national film festival...

"Mom Talks"...January 22, 2013

So excited for the new Q102 website and the new blog!  And so excted to start writing about Jakob again… He’s dong so great, I couldn’t be any prouder.  He’s...


It’s been 16 years since we received my son Jacob’s autism diagnoses. I didn’t know where to go, who to turn to, I certainly didn’t know what kind of therapies and interventions I should try.

Now thanks to the Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati, there is a local live helpline that you can call right here, right now, called the Cincinnati Autism Connection. They will connect you with a family who is living with autism. They’re going to help you figure out which treatments are best for you and your family, so please take full advantage of it. Call 513-561-2300 or learn more at Autism Society of Greater Cincinnati.
